Friday, December 16, 2011

Reflection: week 8-14

Weeks 8-14 were filled with more practical, tangible things that we could do to get involved and take part in acting positively on our environment.

We learned about junk and stuff. When I used to say that to my Mom when I got home from school I got in trouble.... she was SURE they taught us SOMETHING more specific than that. Well, not this time. We actually did learn about junk and stuff.

We took a good look at "junking" and how people, as well as our self, could take someones junk and turn it into our own creation of new stuff.  A great way to save space in a landfill, save money, and use our creativity and skills. We head the opportunity to do this ourselves.

I took 2 silver wear chests and turned them into jewelry boxes.

Check it out!

Here... your old silver chest                               voilĂ ... transformed into a place where                          
                                                                      jewelry can be have it's own little spot and
                                                                      not get tangled up with others.

I'd like to refinish the top and buffer out the scratches, but for now, it is just fine.

Here is the second one. This one is great because the knife holders work great for rings, as long as they aren't bands.
I was also able to stick some of my buttons on the top through the material as well.

Though I certainly am aware that people do great things with salvaging and re purposing, I didn't realize what a community it has surrounding it. I was pretty impressed with some of the things I saw on the Junk Market Style site. Very inspiring. 

Speaking of stuff... we also learned The Story of Stuff.  The Story of Stuff is a pretty awesome short movie about how much of the stuff we get and buy is made and ends up in a land fill.  It is definitely thought provoking and worth the watch. 

We took a look at responsibility VII for health education specialists that covers communicating and advocating for health education. We talked about what this meant and then picked a bill in the government that relates to Healthy People 2020 and the environmental objectives that we thought was important.  We gained understanding of that issue, laid out the facts and then set forth writing a letter to the appropriate government official that represented us presenting the issue and making a suggestion of what was needed.   Before doing this we put together a list of all the people and their contact information of the people who represent us in government. 

It was interesting to put together this list of people.  A great resource if one is going to be proactive in contacting officials having that information right at your fingertips for easy access. 

It was interesting to know about the governments Thomas Project that lists the bills, their summaries and where they are at in the process. 

We talked about photography and how pictures can really help tell our stories.  The video we watched talking about this was wonderful. I love pictures. I love taking then and having them bring me right back to that place in my head.  The video very much expressed that and put it in great words and amazing examples.  This along with the photo essay we did reminded me how I would love to spend more time working with pictures and photography. I miss it. 

The trip to Good Will was kind of an interesting coming together of many of the topics covered in the second half of the semester.  Good Will brings you to the land of stuff, stuff that is no longer needed, wanted, or is just homeless looking to be re purposed, given a new life, a new job and use. It is also a place where stuff, like mattresses and stuffed animals for instance, are being taken apart into their various parts, or smooshed together so they can be sent to places that can make new use or recycle them and save the space in the land fill. People are also getting the chance to have a job and perhaps renew their purpose and start a new record on their history.  They are also advocated for out in the work place to reintegrate them into a new work environment.  This isn't EXACTLY what our health education specialist responsibility is stating, however, it is a part of the bigger picture of the process of getting and keeping a healthy happy community. 

I learned a lot about Good Will that I didn't know.  They are a very interesting agency because they are doing so many pieces that are harmonious and responsible.  Providing a place people can purchase things less expensive things, a place to let go of the stuff they don't need to let someone else make use of it, redistributing items we, here are not able to use or don't want,  recycling materials, taking initiative to go an extra step, for instance with mattresses and really break them down to their parts so they can be properly recycled or reused, and beyond stuff they are helping people.   It was a more impressive and informative field trip than I thought it would be.  Knowing what I know now, I feel even better donating items as well as shopping there.

Reading my blog groups blogs as well as the share and voice entries have been really fascinating as well. It is so good to hear from peers and see what new exciting things they have to share or just what is on their minds.  I enjoyed that aspect of this class a lot. 

We have covered a lot in this semester.  I'm not sure what to say has been the most effecting piece or thing I have learned. What I can truly say is that I have learned more on all of these topics expanding my thoughts and views. I have enjoyed and really appreciate that. 

1 comment:

  1. Pretty jewelry cases! I also learned a lot about Goodwill from our field trip! It is such an amazing place!
