Sunday, September 25, 2011

Read 'n' Seed 1 - Hormone Deception

For my Read 'n" Seed project I am reading the book Hormone Deception by Lindsey Berkson.

It is about our exposure to man-made hormone disrupting chemicals and the effects on our health that is unknown yet, but evidence is pointing to some major world wide health effects. She shares where we might find these chemicals,  suggests ways that we might minimize this and ways to detoxify.

I chose this book, out of the many I wanted to read, because this has been something I have been learning about and working on for myself recently.  I know that I am hormonally sensitive and my mother died of breast cancer and I really want to be more aware and able to take care of myself the best I can.  I know it is a challenge because it is EVERYWHERE. There is a lot to learn.

A few links to share about the book
The Amazon link talking about the book with reviews at the bottom
Lindsey Berkson's website
Another descriptive page

This book has 421 pages divided up in 3 parts with 15 chapters. The appendices start at 299.   I will reserve that part for the last and 4th week. I will read, for the most part, the rest in the first3 weeks.

Week 1  I will read the preface information and Part 1.  This is through chapter 4 starting on page 61.

Week 2 I'll read Part 2 starting on page 77 with chapter 5 through chapter 11 on page 203.

Week 3 starts with the introduction to part 3 and Chapter 12 called Food and Drink on page 211 through chapter  on page 281.

Week 4 I'll read through the 4 appendices starting on page 299 continuing through the end of the book. 

The book has arrived and thus I have amended this poster with an updated reading schedule after seeing how the book is divided out.

It definitely looks enlightening and depressing.